



序 言

第一章 总则
  Article 1 In order to ensure the operation of the University in accordance with the law and its independent management, these Articles of Association are formulated in accordance with the Education Law of the People's Republic of China, the Higher Education Law of the People's Republic of China and other laws, regulations and rules。
  Article 2 A university is an institution of higher education organized by the State and an independent non-profit institution legal person, enjoying autonomy in running a school and independently bearing legal responsibilities according to law。
School name for Beijing institute of technology, referred to as north polytechnic, English name is BeijingInstituteofTechnology, abbreviated as BIT。学校网址为cfr.leappatiosets.net。学校法定注册地址为北京市海淀区中关村南大街5号。办学场所包括北京中关村校区、良乡校区,广东珠海校区等。学校根据需要,依法依规经有关部门同意可设立和调整校区及校址。
    第三条 学校坚持和加强党的全面领导,高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观、习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,增强“四个意识”、坚定“四个自信”、做到“两个维护”,全面贯彻党的基本理论、基本路线、基本方略,全面贯彻党的教育方针,Education should serve the people, serve the governance of the Communist Party of China, serve the consolidation and development of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and serve the reform and opening up and socialist modernization,坚守为党育人、为国育才,培养德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人。
  Article 4 The University shall take personnel training, scientific research, social service, cultural inheritance and innovation, and international exchange and cooperation as its basic functions,以实施包括留学生在内的全日制本科生、研究生学历教育为主,遵循聚焦主业、严控规模、保证质量的原则,适当开展各类非全日制、非学历教育。
      第五条 学校落实立德树人根本任务,坚持学术为基、育人为本、德育为先,坚持发展是第一要务、人才是第一资源、创新是第一动力,聚焦“胸怀壮志、明德精工、创新包容、时代担当”的人才培养目标,科学制定教学和科研评价标准,建立质量保障机制,定期发布教学质量报告、毕业生就业质量报告,保证教育教学质量和学术产出水平,服务世界重要人才中心和创新高地建设。
  第六条 学校坚持服务“四个面向”,围绕国家工业化、信息化、国防现代化重大需求,遵循“顶尖工科、优质理科、精品文科、新兴医工”的建设方针,To construct the overall layout of engineering, science, management, literature and medicine collaborative development, which is promoted by advantages and characteristics, tradition and new, application and foundation, synthesis and cross,高质量推进“双一流”建设内涵式发展。
  Article 7 The University shall take teachers and students as the center, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of teachers and students and employees, respect academic freedom and independence of academic activities, provide necessary conditions and guarantees for teachers and students and employees in teaching, research and learning, and establish a mechanism for the protection and relief of the rights and interests of teachers and students and employees。
  Article 8 The University shall, in accordance with the principles of equality, friendship and mutual benefit, carry out educational and scientific research cooperation and cultural exchanges with local people's governments, universities, educational and scientific research institutions, enterprises, institutions, social organizations and other organizations and individuals inside and outside the country。

第二章 举办者和学校
  Article 9 The University is a full-time ordinary institution of higher learning established by the State and designated by The State Council to be in charge of the department in charge of industry and information technology under The State Council and jointly established by the department in charge of industry and information technology under The State Council, the administrative department of education under The State Council and the Beijing Municipal People's Government。
  Article 10 The sponsor shall guide, supervise and regulate the school's activities in running the school according to law;Appointing persons to be appointed by the organizer;To examine and evaluate the level and quality of school running;Adjust the allocation of educational resources for schools according to the actual situation;Approved charter,审查批准需要举办者审批的事项;对学校不当使用办学自主权的行为予以纠正等。
  第十一条 举办者依法保障学校办学条件,为学校提供稳定的办学资金和教育资源;保障学校办学自主权,Provide a remedy for school autonomy;Provide necessary institutional support for school reform and development;Support schools to independently raise, manage, use and dispose of property and funds according to law;Safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the school from infringement,不受任何组织和个人非法干预。
  Article 12 The University shall operate the school independently according to law, manage internal affairs independently, publicize information according to law, and accept supervision by the organizer, the competent government departments, teachers, students and staff and the society。
  (1) In accordance with social needs, conditions for running schools and the scale of running schools approved by the State, to formulate enrollment plans in accordance with relevant state regulations, and to independently adjust the enrollment ratio of departments and departments;
  (3) Independently formulate teaching plans, organize and implement teaching activities, select and compile teaching materials according to teaching needs, and improve the management system and working mechanism of teaching materials on campus;
  (4) to independently conduct scientific research, technological development and social services in accordance with their own conditions, and to expand and guarantee the autonomy of scientific research personnel in accordance with law and regulations;
  (六)根据实际需要和精简、效能的原则,Independently determine the establishment and staffing of internal organizations such as teaching, scientific research and administrative functional departments;In accordance with relevant state regulations,评聘教师和其他专业技术人员的职称、管理服务人员的职员等级,调整津贴及工资分配;
  第十三条  学校遵守法律、法规、规章,遵守本章程;接受国家、上级主管部门的工作指导和监督,To implement the national standards for running schools;Protect the assets of the school from infringement;Establish internal supervision mechanism;Safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of faculty and students,Provide support and assistance to the reasonable needs of faculty and students;Perform other obligations stipulated by laws, regulations, rules and the Articles of Association。

第三章 教职员工、学生和校友
  第十四条 学校教职员工由教师、其他专业技术人员、管理人员和工勤人员等组成。
  (1) Abide by professional ethics and social ethics, constantly improve ideological and political quality and personal cultivation, practice core socialist values, adhere to academic integrity, fulfill their duties, and work diligently;
  第十五条 学校对教职员工实行下列任职制度:
      Article 16 The University shall formulate a personnel management system to assess the teaching and staff on a regular basis, and the assessment results shall serve as an important basis for renewal, dismissal, promotion, reward and punishment。
      The school adheres to the first standard of teacher ethics, improves the assessment and evaluation mechanism of teacher ethics, and takes teacher ethics performance as the primary content of professional and technical post evaluation, post employment, award evaluation, mentor selection, assessment of employment period, project declaration, etc。
   第十七条 学生是指被学校依法录取、取得入学资格,具有学校学籍的受教育者。
  (1) To receive school education, participate in academic, scientific and technological, cultural, sports and other activities, and receive guidance and services on employment and entrepreneurship;
  Article 18 Alumni include Chinese and foreign persons who have studied or worked in the University, as well as persons who have been awarded honorary degrees and honorary titles by the University。
  学校鼓励校友参与学校建设与发展,定期向校友通报学校发展情况,听取校友意见和建议;联系和服务校友,关心和支持校友发展,To commend alumni who have made outstanding contributions to the country, society and the university in accordance with laws and regulations;Support alumni to establish alumni organizations with class, industry and geographical characteristics in accordance with the law。

第四章 治理结构
  Article 19 Under the leadership of the Beijing Institute of Technology Committee of the Communist Party of China (hereinafter referred to as the University Party Committee), the University shall implement the President's responsibility system, promote faculty scholarship and democratic management, and establish a modern university system that conforms to the national conditions and the development of the university。
  Article 20 The Party Committee of the University leads the work of the university in an all-round way, assumes the main responsibility of managing the Party and running the school, plays a leading role in directing the direction, managing the overall situation, making decisions, grasping the team, leading the team and ensuring the implementation, and supports the president to exercise his functions and powers independently and responsibly according to law。
  (1) Fully implement the Party's line, principles and policies, implement the resolutions of the Party Central Committee, higher Party organizations and their own organizations, adhere to the socialist direction of running a school, run the school according to law, rely on the teachers and students of the school to promote the scientific development of the school, and train socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, the United States and labor;
  (2) To examine and determine the basic management system of the University, discuss and decide on major issues in the reform, development and stability of the University, as well as in teaching, scientific research and administration;
  (3) Adhere to the principle of the Party administering cadres, be responsible for the education, training, selection, assessment and supervision of cadres in accordance with the authority of cadres' administration, discuss and decide on the establishment of internal organizations of the university and the candidates for their heads, and recommend candidates for university-level leading cadres and reserve cadres in accordance with relevant procedures;
  (4) Adhere to the principle of the Party's management of talents, implement the strategy of strengthening the country through talents, strengthen the political guidance and political absorption of talents, and coordinate the construction of various talents in the university;
  (6) to fulfill the main responsibility of the construction of the school's party style and clean government, lead and support the internal discipline inspection organization to perform the responsibility of supervision and enforcement of discipline, and accept the supervision of the discipline inspection organization at the same level and the discipline inspection supervision committee at the higher level and its dispatched discipline inspection and supervision organization;
  (7) To lead the ideological and political work and moral education work of the university, implement the responsibility system for ideological work, maintain school safety and stability, and promote the construction of a harmonious campus;
  Article 21 The University Party Committee shall be elected by the University Party members' Congress and shall be responsible and report on its work to the party members' congress。学校党的委员会全体会议(下称全委会)在党员代表大会闭会期间领导学校工作。The committee, convened by the Standing Committee, is mainly responsible for discussing and deciding on major matters concerning Party building in the university;To make decisions on major overall issues concerning the reform, development and stability of the university, the vital interests of teachers, students and staff, and party building;We heard and deliberated on the work report of the Standing Committee and the work report of the Commission for Discipline Inspection。
      校党委设立常务委员会(下称常委会),主持党委经常工作。常委会由全委会选举产生,对全委会负责并定期报告工作,It is mainly responsible for making decisions on important matters concerning the reform, development and stability of the university, teaching, scientific research, administration and party building;To decide on important matters concerning the selection and appointment of cadres and the construction of cadres;To determine the important matters of the work of talents and the political checks on talents;To decide on major matters concerning rectification plans and measures for problems identified by audit。
      The University Party Committee and its Standing Committee implement the system of combining collective leadership and individual division of responsibility, formulate rules of procedure and decision-making procedures in accordance with the principle of democratic centralization, and decide major matters of the university through "collective leadership, democratic centralization, individual deliberation, and meeting decision"。
  Article 22 The President is the legal representative of the university and the main person in charge of administration. Under the leadership of the University Party Committee, the President organizes the implementation of relevant resolutions of the University Party Committee, exercises various functions and powers stipulated by the Higher Education Law, and is fully responsible for teaching, scientific research and administration。
  (1) To organize the drafting and implementation of development plans, basic management systems, important administrative rules and regulations, major teaching and research reform measures, and important school-running resources allocation plans;
  (2) To organize the formulation and implementation of the plan for the establishment of the university's internal administrative organization, recommend candidates for vice president, appoint or remove the head of the university's internal organization, appoint or dismiss members of the university's academic committee and other academic organizations and council members in accordance with relevant laws and procedures;
  (3) organizing personnel training and scientific research, promoting cultural inheritance and innovation, and serving national and local social and economic development;
  (8) Organize and carry out international exchanges and cooperation of the University, sign cooperation agreements with governments at all levels, all sectors of society and overseas organizations on behalf of the University in accordance with the law, and accept social donations;
  Article 23 The President's Office Conference is the administrative deliberating and decision-making body of the university, which mainly studies and puts forward plans for important matters to be discussed and decided by the Standing Committee of the Party Committee, specifically plans to implement relevant measures adopted by the Standing Committee of the Party Committee, and studies and decides on teaching, scientific research and administrative management。
  第二十四条 党委常委会会议和校长办公会议要坚持科学决策、民主决策、依法决策。The proposal for the appointment and removal of cadres, before being submitted to the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee for discussion and decision, should be fully incubated within the scope of the secretary of the Party Committee, the president, the deputy secretary in charge of organizational work, and the secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection。对专业性、技术性较强的重要事项,应经过专家评估及技术、政策、法律咨询。For important matters concerning the vital interests of teachers, students and staff, the opinions and suggestions of teachers, students and staff should be widely heard through the faculty congress or other means。对会议决定的事项如需变更、调整,应根据决策程序进行复议。
  第二十五条 中国共产党威尼斯人网上赌场纪律检查委员会,在学校党委和上级纪委双重领导下进行工作,维护党的章程和其他党内法规,检查党的理论和路线方针政策、党中央决策部署执行情况,协助学校党委推进全面从严治党、加强党风建设和组织协调反腐败工作。The Office of the Ombudsman of the State Supervisory Commission in Beijing Institute of Technology, co-located with the school Discipline Commission, performs the "up-down" supervision and supervision duties on behalf of the State Supervisory Commission。学校纪委、驻学校监察专员办公室统称学校纪检监察机构。
  Article 26 The University Council is an advisory, consultative, deliberative and supervisory body serving the reform and development of the university. It promotes special work such as personnel training, discipline layout, team building, scientific and technological innovation, and school-place cooperation in accordance with its own regulations, and promotes the modernization of the university's governance system and governance capacity。
  第二十七条 学校学术委员会是学校最高学术机构。The academic committee is formed in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State, and exercises the functions and powers of decision-making, deliberation, evaluation and consultation of academic affairs in accordance with its own statutes。
  第二十八条 学校设置学位评定委员会,负责学位评定工作。学校学位评定委员会设主席一名、副主席若干名。
  (5) To review university-level excellent doctoral theses and excellent master's theses;Recommend national and Beijing excellent doctoral dissertations;
  第二十九条 学校教职工代表大会是教职工依法参与学校民主管理和监督的基本形式。教职工代表大会依据国家相关规定建立并行使职权。
  Article 30 Under the leadership of the school Party Committee, the Party Committee of the Teachers' Work Committee shall study and deliberate major issues in the construction of school teachers' ideology, politics and ethics, and guide relevant units to carry out their work。The office of the committee is located in the teachers' work Department of the Party Committee, which performs the functions of Party management of teachers on behalf of the Party Committee, and coordinates the ideological and political construction of teachers and teachers' ethics。
  Article 31 The student congress and graduate student congress are important forms for undergraduates and graduate students to participate in the democratic management and supervision of the university。学生代表大会、研究生代表大会依据校党委批准的相关规定行使职权。
  第三十二条 学校实行校院两级为主的管理体制。
  The University shall set up secondary colleges and other teaching and scientific research institutions (hereinafter referred to as colleges) according to the needs of personnel training and discipline construction, and shall make timely adjustments according to the needs of development。学校统一领导学院工作,定期评估学院的教学、科研和社会服务等情况。学院的设立、变更、撤销等,根据需要在一定范围内征求意见,由校党委决定。
  As a school-running entity within the University, the College is responsible for organizing the implementation of education and teaching, scientific research, discipline construction and teaching staff construction according to the authorization of the University, and manages and uses the school-running funds and assets allocated by the University。
  学院实行集体领导、党政分工合作、协调运行的工作机制。院级党组织在学校党委的领导下开展工作,全面负责本单位党的建设,履行政治责任。All major issues shall be collectively discussed and decided at a meeting of Party organizations at the level of the court in accordance with the principles of collective leadership, democratic centralization, individual deliberation, and meeting decision。党政联席会议负责讨论和决定学院工作中的重要事项。Party building, including the selection and appointment of cadres, grass-roots party organizations and the construction of party members, shall be decided by the meeting of the Party Committee of the college;Major matters involving the direction of running a school, the construction of the faculty, the vital interests of teachers and staff, etc., shall be studied and discussed at the meeting of the Party Committee, and then submitted to the joint meeting of the Party and government for decision。
  学院设立教职工(代表)大会、教授委员会及其他直属组织、机构。The faculty and staff (representative) assembly, the Professors Committee and other directly affiliated organizations and institutions of the College participate in the education and teaching, scientific research, discipline and professional construction, faculty team construction, democratic management and other work of the College in accordance with relevant regulations。

第五章 组织和机构
  Article 33 The University shall, in accordance with the principles of simplification, high efficiency and unity, set up academic organizations and management and service institutions according to needs。
       Article 34 The University shall set up the academic degree Evaluation Committee, the professional and technical post Evaluation Committee and other special committees;To set up educational foundations and alumni associations;Set up a number of functional departments and offices。
  第三十五条 学校按照学科分类设置若干学部。The Department carries out academic work under the guidance of the Academic Committee, Academic Degree Assessment Committee and Professional and technical position Evaluation Committee of the University。
  第三十六条 学校各类组织、机构,依照相关规定产生并履行职责。党的基层组织与行政机构同步建立。
  Article 37 The organizations and institutions established by the University with the status of independent legal persons shall operate and manage in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State and their own statutes。
  Article 38 The University establishes mass organizations such as trade unions, Communist Youth League, Student union, graduate Student Association, etc., which, under the leadership of Party committees at the same level and organizations at higher levels, carry out their work in accordance with the law and their respective regulations, perform their respective duties, and represent and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of faculty members and students。
  Article 39 The University supports democratic parties and other social organizations to independently carry out their work in accordance with their respective statutes, participate in democratic management and supervision of the University, and make contributions to the reform, development and construction of the University。

第六章 资产和经费
  Article 40 The state-owned assets of the University refer to the assets formed by the use of financial funds, the assets formed by transfer, transfer or replacement, the assets donated and recognized as state-owned, and other state-owned assets;Including fixed assets, current assets, intangible assets, foreign investment, etc。
  Article 41 The University shall enjoy the property rights, management rights and use rights of legal persons with respect to assets, and implement the management system of "unified ownership by the State, supervision by the competent department of the university and use by units"。
  第四十二条 学校经费来源主要包括财政补助收入、事业收入和其他合法收入。
  Article 43 The School shall raise funds for education through various channels and strive for and encourage donations to the school from enterprises, public organizations, other social organizations and individuals in accordance with the principles of legality, equality and mutual benefit。
  第四十四条 学校严格按照国家财经法规管理财务工作,实行“统一领导,集中管理”的财务管理体制,依法建立健全财务管理制度、经济责任制和内部审计制度,不断完善内部控制制度,规范学校及校内各部门(单位)的经济行为,加强对所办企业的监督管理,防控各类经济风险,保障资金运行安全。
  Article 45 The University shall establish an asset management system, strictly manage state-owned assets, improve the efficiency of the use of assets, implement cost accounting, optimize the allocation of resources, promote the rational, economical and efficient use of assets, and ensure their safety and integrity。

第七章 标识
  第四十六条 学校校徽为圆形,由外圈中英文名和圈内图案组成。The overall shape of the middle pattern in the circle is tree-like, from the bottom to the top of the performance of the eagle flying high, to the top of the evolution into the mouth of the olive branch of the white dove;The bottom pattern of the circle is composed of Yan 'an Pagoda and "1940";The main color of the school emblem is green, and the auxiliary colors are dark green and brown。校标为校徽中部的树状造型。
  47th flag of the university is a rectangle, the middle of the school logo, the school logo is written by Zhao Puchu "Beijing Institute of Technology" and the English translation of capital letters;The length to width ratio of the school flag is 1:0.618。
  第四十八条 校庆日为每年9月下旬的第一个星期日。

第八章 附 则
  Article 49 The formulation and revision of the Constitution shall be discussed by the faculty and staff Congress of the University, reviewed by the President's office, approved by the plenary session of the University Party Committee, and submitted to the competent department of industry and information technology under The State Council for examination and approval, and to the administrative department of education under The State Council for approval。
  In the event of division, merger or termination of the school, or major changes in school-running activities, or changes in laws, regulations and rules, the charter shall be amended。章程的修订程序与章程的制定程序相同。
  Article 50 The school shall conduct its school-running activities in accordance with these Regulations;Other rules, regulations and documents of the school shall not conflict with this charter;If the rules and regulations previously formulated by the school are inconsistent with this Charter, this Charter shall prevail and be amended or abolished。
  第五十一条 本章程由校党委负责解释。
  第五十二条 本章程经核准,自发布之日起施行。